Document View – Navigation


Jump up a screen*


Jump down a screen

Ctrl + PgUp

Go to top of the previous page

Ctrl + PgDn

Go to top of the next page

‐ (Hyphen)

Jump up a screen

+ (Plus Sign)

Jump down a screen

Up Arrow

Scroll up a little bit

Down Arrow

Scroll down a little bit

Ctrl + Up Arrow

Jump up half a screen

Ctrl + Down Arrow

Jump down half a screen

ALT + PgUp

Jump left a screen

ALT + PgDn

Jump right a screen

Alt + (ALT + Hyphen)

Jump left a screen

Alt + + (ALT + Plus Sign)

Jump right a screen

Ctrl + Left Arrow

Jump left half a screen

Ctrl + Right Arrow

Jump right half a screen

Left Arrow

Jump a little bit left

Right Arrow

Jump a little bit right


Go all the way to the left


Go all the way to the right

Clear (5 on the numeric keypad)

Go to the center of the page

Ctrl + Home

Go to the top left of the document

Ctrl + End

Go to the bottom right of the document

Ctrl + Shift + F6

Previous Document

Ctrl + F6

Next Document

Document View: Adjust View Mode (For Current Document)

Ctrl + Shift + H

Start reading mode (scrolling automatically)


Normal View (show pages on left and tabs on right)


Maximize Thumbnails (only show thumbnails)


Maximize Page (only show document)

Save & Close

Shift + F4

Close all document tabs

Document View ‐ Zooming

Ctrl + (Ctrl + Hyphen)

Zoom Out

Ctrl + + (Ctrl + Plus Sign)

Zoom In

Ctrl + 0

Zoom to Full Page

Ctrl + 1

Zoom to Actual Size

Ctrl + 2

Zoom to Fit Width

Ctrl + 3

Zoom to Fit Height

Changing a Document

Ctrl + Alt + X

Extract Pages

Ctrl + Alt + R

Rotate Pages

Ctrl + S

Save changes


Close current document

Document View – Scrolling Settings

Ctrl + ALT + C

Continuous Scrolling

Ctrl + ALT + P

Page Scrolling

Ctrl + ALT + S

Single Page (classic)


* These PgUp and PgDn commands apply to continuous and Page Scrolling Settings only.

† Ctrl commands using numbers 0‐4 (e.g. Ctrl+1) require numbers to be input from the top row of the keyboard, not the numeric keypad.